2014 KATE International Conference
Theme: Making Connections in ELT: Form, Meaning, and Function
Date: July 4-5 (Friday-Saturday), 2014
Venue: Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 22, 2014
Invited Speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Rod Ellis (University of Auckland)
Plenary Speakers: Prof. John Norris (Georgetown University), Prof. Shinichi Izumi (Sophia University), Prof. Yuko Goto Butler (University of Pennsylvania)
The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) is now accepting presentation proposals for the 2014 KATE International Conference. Allpresentations consist of a 20 minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussion.
Proposals which focus on the conference theme will receive initial consideration; however, all proposals on English language teaching including the following topic areas are welcome.
1. Approaches and Methodologies 2. Curriculum / Materials
3. Use of IT in Language Teaching 4. Language Policy
5. Material Writing and Design 6. Second Language Acquisition
7. English Language Testing 8. Teaching Young Learners
9. International / Intercultural Communication
All proposals must be submitted via email. Please use the attached form for your submission and email your abstract to Prof. Sang-Ki Lee at kateprogram2014@gmail.comby February 22. (You may also download the submission form from the KATE home page: http://www.kate.or.kr).
Presenters will be notified by February 28 and asked to submit the final form of the proposal along with biodata (*please note that this year, the conference proceedings will only contain the presenters’ abstracts and biodata).
Further questions can be directed to Prof. Sang-Ki Lee at kateprogram2014@gmail.com.