Call for Presentations
The English Teachers Association in Korea (ETAK)
2014 International Conference
ETAK (The English Teachers Association in Korea) would like to invite you to its 20th anniversary international conference in June.
The conference will be held in Kongju National University on June 14, 2014.
ETAK is one of the representative English language education associations in Korea.
Please join the conference and share your knowledge and experience about language teaching with other professionals at this event.
Theme: Current Trends and Prospects of Communicative Language Teaching in the EFL Context
Date: June 14, 2014
Venue: Kongju National University, Kongju, South Korea
Deadline for proposal submission: March 14, 2014
1. Keynote Speaker
Richard R. Day (University of Hawai’i)
2. Content of Proposals
The conference committee calls for presentations on the conference theme?current trends and prospects of CLT in the EFL context?are encouraged, but the following themes are also welcome.
ELT methodology
ESL/EFL material development
Second language acquisition
Language testing
Discourse analysis
Corpus linguistics
Intercultural Communication
English for specific purposes
Teacher development
Language policy
World Englishes
3. Presentation categories
l Paper presentation
l Poster session
4. Presentation proposal and abstract submission
We are currently accepting presentation proposals and abstracts for this conference.
To submit your proposal, forward your completed abstract in the template format by March 14, 2014 via email,
5. Important dates
- Proposal and abstract submission deadline: March 14, 2014
- Notification of abstract acceptance: March 28, 2014.
For further information and submissions, please contact:
- Program chair: Dr. Eun Hee Nam (
- Conference chair: Dr. Hyun Jin Kim (