-Moderator: Yoon, Tecnam (Chuncheon National University of Education)
-Presenter: Je, Yeonkang (Wolgok Middle School)
-Title: Designing effective assessment for blended learning
-Date: November 11th (Wed.), 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
-About the presenter:
Master of Education in Paris 12 University, Working as a teacher in Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education since 2000
4) 4th Presentation
-Moderator: YChoi, Junghye Fran (The Cyber University of Korea)
-Presenter: Choi, Yu Jin (Jangwi Middle School)
-Title: Interaction with students in blended learning
-Date: November 25th (Wed.), 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
-About the presenter:
2018 process-oriented assessment Instructor Training Program
2020 Fulbright American Studies Program
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