[자매학회] TCC 2021 (Apr 13-15) 발표원고 모집 안내

작성자 STEM 등록일 2020.12.17 조회 562
이메일 stem1998@hotmail.com

온라인 학회 TCC Hawaii의 2021년 4월13일-15일 학술대회의 발표원고모집에 관한 안내를 드리오니
많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


영상영어교육학회 총무이사 이연준 올림

We anticipate a global audience and featuring plenary session speakers from Asia and Europe. Additionally, we encourage presentations relating to building a conference community as well as online strategies, practices, and solutions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. Also highlighted will be a mini-symposium related to educational technology in the Pacific Islands.  

The deadline for TCC 2021 (April 13-15) proposal submissions is extended to December 28, 2020, HST. The acceptance date for full papers remains the same, December 28.

Registration details will be announced in February. Stay tuned! 

Full details available at:

For updates about TCC 2021:

Please share with interested colleagues and friends. #tcchawaii21

Best wishes for the New Year from the TCC Conference Team!

이전글 ▲ [타학회공지] 한국ESP학회 학술대회 (11월14일)
다음글 ▼ [자매학회] 2021 ALAK Research Methods Workshop Series 안내